Stress and the Brain in Children and Teenagers
Primary | Teenagers
This half-day interactive session is for teachers, family support practitioners, youth workers and others who are interested in understanding more about what children and young people need from adults to help them manage stress.
The session covers:
Stress and brain development
Types of stress
The development of the stress response before birth and in early childhood
The impact of adversity, trauma and threat
The importance of relationships
How adults can support children and young people to manage stress
The session includes presentation and opportunities for group discussion.
Course Overview & Cost
Click link to download the half-day Stress and the Brain overview.
“Informative and helpful. Will definitely help us to support parents to understand their teenagers development.”
“Understanding the brain and it's different functions will help my practise.”
“Very helpful for practitioners to understand how to support teens, children and their parents using scientific and evidenced based information.”
Training Options​​
Online in groups of up to 20 people.